

You Accepted the ASPIKA Talks Release and Regulations

ASPIKA Vision must be maintained at all times – all Talks will feature diversity and ideas that will enhance the lives of the Neurodiversity Community. 

ASPIKA Talks/Summit/Xhange/Podcast will only be used as an instrument to ONLY inspire success to the Neurodiversity Community.

  • How their differences can be impactful in a company and in life.
  • Opportunities for everyone in the Neurodiversity community.
  • Generate advantages in being different.


Brings together every day successful professionals and entrepreneurs from all industries, to share ideas, hands-on experience, career advancement skills, mentoring, and support to neurodiverse individuals – in their discovery of job placement and business opportunities in today’s competitive workforce.

ASPIKA Talks should be 15 – 45 minutes in length.

ASPIKA Talks – One (1 single) presenter.

ASPIKA Talks – No editing or outside videos permitted in the Talks.

ASPIKA Talks – Only the person invited to ASPIKA Talks (the Speaker).

ASPIKA Talks/Summit/Xchange/Podcast – Requested script or rehearsal requested prior to event.

ASPIKA Talks – Recording of Talks delivery timeframe is 5 days prior to event.

Rundown of commitment and Broadcasting (ASPIKA Talks, ASPIKA Xchange, ASPIKA Summit, ASPIKA Podcast:

ASPIKA Talks  Speaker will forward a brief introduction of the ASPIKA Talk – ASPIKA will distribute the Briefing through all ASPIKA channels for Dimensional Marketing purpose (YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, promotional distribution (emails and electronic communications and others). 

ASPIKA Talk  briefing should be: 10  – :30 seconds in length.

ASPIKA Talk – briefing delivery timeframe 1 month prior to the event in order to adhere to the marketing.

ASPIKA briefings  ASPIKA Talks, ASPIKA Xchange, ASPIKA Summit, ASPIKA Podcast, ASPIKA Blog) may be broadcasted on television, radio or podcast for interview purposes only.

ASPIKA Talks  will not be broadcasted on television and will become property of ASPIKA Talk collection.

ASPIKA Talks  Press, Speakers, and Attendees should not record the Talks and reserve the rights of the guidelines 

ASPIKA Talks, ASPIKA Xchange, ASPIKA Summit, ASPIKA Podcast, ASPIKA Blog should not refer to any political or religious affiliations.

ASPIKA Talks  will feature and promote speakers books, business and companies (promotional purposes). 

ASPIKA Talks  Speakers can promote their personal channels following the ASPIKA guidelines.

ASPIKA Talks (Cross-Marketing and Logos (all) use) – Written request by the Speaker or publicist with specifications on the use.

ASPIKA Talks  will be co-branded (sponsored) in order to support all collaborations in the organization.

ASPIKA Talks – Sponsors will not have control over any coverage or influence in the ASPIKA Talks, Logos and overall images.

ASPIKA Talks  Speakers/Participants, will not be compensated for the Talks.

ASPIKA LLC. – All Press and press releases must be approved by ASPIKA LLC. –  [email protected] and should include the ASPIKA website’s homepage / visible link and contact information.

ASPIKA LLC. – All Press must contain the ASPIKA Official Logo and the correct and official representation (The Vision).

ASPIKA LLC. – All Sponsors/Speakers and Collaborators need to mirror the ASPIKA LLC. Positioning of the brand throughout their – YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Hashtags (#) and promotional distribution (emails and electronic communications and others.

ASPIKA LLC. – Will mention sponsors contributions in any of the events – including organization name and logo image, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Hashtags (#) and promotional distribution (emails and electronic communications) and others.

ASPIKA Summit – Sponsor can produce a video about their contribution to ASPIKA Summit to be shared on their social media channels in accordance with the ASPIKA guidelines.

ASPIKA LLC. –  Photos and all promotional materials are subject to coordination and release via a written request – [email protected].

ASPIKA Summit – Recording: subject to coordination and release via a written request – [email protected].

ASPIKA Summit – Sponsor may record all main stage content (live talks, performances, etc. subject to coordination and release via a written request – [email protected].

ASPIKA LLC. – All Speakers, Performers and Collaborators, must sign the ASPIKA LLC. (Summit) Release Form.

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