We are thankful for your patience as we work with our team and guests ensuring all safety and protocols are being met. For more information on all safety regulations and health practices please visit the ASPIKA 2022 Summit COVID-19 Safety Plans
Summit - Abraza la Sonrisa
- Non-Available
- Non-Available
- Non-Available
- Non-Available
July 18th and July 19th
- Non-Available
- Required chaperone for anyone under the age of 18.
- Chaperone must be 21 years of age or older – ID of proof will be required.
- Cost of chaperone to attend is the same as any other guest
- Please write to us at [email protected] of any special accommodations you may need to the best of your ability. Your comfort is important for us.
- We are here and ready to help you, please email [email protected] with any question and/or concern you may have.
- Youth/High School participants 18 years of age or younger incoming University freshman years.
- Adults in the University.
- Adults interested in the Master-classes.
- Family
- Aspika Summit provides information, knowledge, opportunities and understanding to the transformational process of young adults and adults in the Neurodivese community. Your generosity supports all of the aspects of the Aspika mission.