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Neomar Semprún

Language: Spanish

Neomar Semprún is a professional oriented to the analysis of scientific evidence of new treatments for Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Documentary scientist in the research lines of Neuroimmunogastrometabolism of ASD and Mycology – Infectious Diseases. Evidence- Based Health Adviser for parents of children with ASD. Promotes conscious consumption, healthy eating and individualized natural biomedical and immunomodulatory intervention for each patient. University Professor. Tutor of researchers in training. Scientific publications, international invited lecturer and reviewer member in scientific journals.

Neomar Semprún has participated in international events as guest lecturer in USA, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina, Spain and Mexico.

Links of Interest:

1. Substances that stimulate verbal communication in autism spectrum disorders https://niboe.info/sustancias-estimulan-comunicacion-verbal-autismo/

2. University of Miami https://scholarship.miami.edu/esploro/outputs/journalArticle/Stem-cell-therapy-in-autism-recent/991031561849402976

3. Fundación Bioabordajes del Autismo (Argentina): https://www.bioabordajes.org.ar/post.php?idpost=34

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