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Ainhoa Castaño

Language: Spanish

Ainhoa Castaño is a dedicated student of Computer Engineering and Telecommunications Electronics, as well as a passionate activist, feminist, and emerging leader. Ainhoa is a powerful example of how autism is not a barrier to achieving one’s goals. She emphasizes the crucial role that a supportive environment plays in personal and academic success. Through her journey, Ainhoa inspires others to rethink traditional perspectives on neurodiversity, inclusion, and the potential of individuals on the autism spectrum.

Her work and advocacy contribute significantly to the ongoing dialogue about the importance of education, scientific research, and the need for a more inclusive society. Ainhoa’s story is a testament to resilience and the power of redefining what is possible.

Press releases

Ainhoa Castaño, premiada como joven talento en el sector de las TIC

"El premio como estudiante tecnóloga me ha ayudado a visibilizar el autismo"

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