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Abraham Ros

Language: Spanish

Abraham Ros De la Fuente, a 44-year-old Spaniard with Asperger’s syndrome (ASD), studied network security in Barcelona. He holds a diploma in marketing from the Anahuac University in Guadalajara, obtained in 2020. He was awarded an honorary doctorate for his humanitarian work in favor of people with ASD and their human rights, a recognition given by UCAM and Universidad Panamericana in 2020. Currently, he holds a degree in psychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, also obtained in 2020.

Since 2023, he has been pursuing a doctorate in psychology at UAB. An unconformist, demanding, and obsessive about control, he lived a life of not being able to “fit in” with society, not realizing that human “happiness” doesn’t have to be tied to “fitting in” with everyone and everything.

After being diagnosed at the age of 33, his life changed completely. As he often says, “I understood myself, I accepted myself, and I comprehended myself.” And this is the first change we must make in order to move forward.

Today, he is the father of an 8-year-old girl, and being a parent is one of the toughest jobs as someone with Asperger’s, knowing how to share moments at all times.

Three years ago, he decided to start his blog: www.drasperger.com, where he shares his experiences living with Asperger’s. This led him to publish articles in various newspapers and magazines in Spain. He began giving conferences, workshops, and seminars on autism.

He is a public relations director, activist, communicator, and defender of human rights for people with ASD. As a speaker, he lives and works in Mexico, dedicating his efforts to autism through the OTEAautismo association, aiming to convey to families, professionals, teachers, and doctors how autism is lived, how it hurts, but also how it can be enjoyed.

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