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Jenniffer Villarreal

Language: Spanish

Jenniffer Villarreal is an Ecuadorian Educational Psychologist; she earned a master’s degree in Child Neuropsychology and completed the International Trained Program in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities at the MIND Institute in 2019. Currently is a UC Davis Human Development P.hD. Student and a Graduate Student Researcher at the Laboratory on Language Development at the MIND Institute. For the past ten years, Jenniffer has focused on assessing and diagnosing neurodevelopment disorders in Ecuador. She has worked with autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit disorders, intellectual, language, and learning disabilities. Jenniffer Villarreal served as lead clinician and, as such, was  responsible for training junior staff on the assessment  protocols and ensuring the quality of the data by providing ongoing staff supervision and reliability checks. She has coauthor book chapters and scientific articles related to neurodevelopmental disabilities specifically in Hispanic communities. 

Language skills

Fluency in English and Spanish


September 2021 – Present

Human Development Ph.D. Student

Child psychopathology focus

University of California Davis


International Training Program in Neurodeveolpmental Disabilities

University of California-Davis- Mind Institute


Master in Child Neuropsychology

Universidad Central del Ecuador


Educational Psychologist

Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador



Early Start Denver Model certified therapist

MIND Institute UC Davis

Professional experience

International University of Ecuador 

Professor at the Faculty of Psychology 

2018 – 2019
University of Valencia (Spain)
Practice Supervisor for Ecuadorian students in Neuropsychology 

2019 – 2020
Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador Professor at the Faculty of Psychology 

2010 – 2019
Liceo Campoverde
Coordinator of the Department of Student Counseling 

2007 – 2008
Salesiana Politechnic Univerdsity
Research assistant in the project “Fomento de la lectura” in intercultural schools. 

2007 – 2008
Universidad Politécnica Salesiana
Practice Coordinator of Bilingual Intercultural Education 


del Hoyo Soriano, L., Villarreal, J. & Abbeduto, L. Parental Survey on Spanish-English Bilingualism in Neurotypical Development and Neurodevelopmental Disabilities in the United States. Adv Neurodev Disord (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s41252-023-00325-6

Del Hoyo Soriano L, Villarreal JC, Sterling A, Edgin J, Berry-Kravis E, Hamilton DR, Thurman AJ, Abbeduto L. The association between expressive language skills and adaptive behavior in individuals with Down syndrome. Sci Rep. 2022 Nov 21;12(1):20014. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-24478-x. PMID: 36411304; PMCID: PMC9678860.

Pozo-Palacios J, Llamos-Paneque A, Rivas C, Onofre E, López-Cáceres A, Villareal J. Experiences of the Molecular Diagnosis of Fragile X Syndrome in Ecuador. Front Psychiatry. 2021 Dec 13;12:716311. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.716311. PMID: 34966298; PMCID: PMC8710471.

Abbeduto L., Thurman AJ, Villarreal J., (2020) Intertwined and Guiding Interventions. In Hagerman R., & Hagerman P., (Eds.), Title of work: Fragile X Syndrome and Premutation Disorders: New Developments and Treatments (pp. 5-14). Publisher. Mac Keith Press


Villareal J. (2023, October) Mental health in parents of children with disabilities. MIND Institute: Learning together conference. Sacramento, U.S.A.

Villareal J. (2023, April) Career Journeys in IDD Research and Work-Life Balance. 55th Gatlinburg conference. Kansas city, U.S.A.

Pozo-Palacios J, Llamos-Paneque A, Rivas C, Onofre E, López-Cáceres A, Villareal J. (2023, March) Experiences of the Molecular Diagnosis of Fragile X Syndrome in Ecuador. The International Conference on FMR1 premutation.  Bay of Islands, New Zealand

Community service

Applied Behavior Analysis ambassador for Ecuador.  World Behavior Analysis Day Alliance. (2022 – Present)

Translation to Spanish. 2020 NCAEP EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICES REPORT. National Clearinghouse on Autism Evidence and Practice Review Team. 

Professional affiliations

Mexican Association of child psychiatry

Mexican Association of Applied Behavior Analysis

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